Monday, February 11, 2008

What does IWM do?

Inspire Worship Ministries is designed to be flexible enough to benefit churches of all shapes and sizes. Most people wonder how it is we help churches. So I will give you a hypothetical scenario that shows how our ministry works.

Pastor John Doe calls me and says that he has heard of our ministry and would like some advice on how to expand his worship ministry. I then set up a lunch or dinner appointment and sit down with Pastor Doe and find out as much about his current structure as possible. I then ask the pastor to describe in as much detail as possible what he wants his worship ministry to look like one year and five years from now. Based on this information, I make recommendations on how he might go about putting things in place that will start the church on the path towards his vision.

Sometimes the pastor may have us come in and do a weekend of workshops where we communicate the visions through Biblical and practical instruction. Sometimes we establish a short term mentoring relationship in which case we will be coming alongside them and helping them walk through their transition for up to 13 weeks. I have been told that one of our greatest strengths is that we have lots of ideas. Our consulting is probably our greatest tool for pastors. I do not have all the answers, but I try to help you find them.

As far as cost to the church, our base price is that it not cost us. In other words, we ask for mileage, food, and shelter. Above that, our fee is on an honorarium basis. This ministry is meant to be a service to churches, not a burden.

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