Friday, February 22, 2008

Where sin abounds...

For many years I always thought that the verse that said, "Where sin abounds, grace doth much more abound," was pretty obvious in its meaning. I always just thought that of course you need more grace when you have a lot of sin. It takes a bigger covering to cover bigger sin.

I have come to appreciate this verse on a deeper level though. It's not that I didn't understand what abounding sin was all about. I just didn't understand fully what abounding grace was all about. For a long time I viewed "grace" as simply being a covering for sin. What I didn't realize is that grace is God's gift to us and that gift is more than a covering for our sin, it is an empowerment for abundant living. For many of us, we think that the abundance of sin has disqualified us for abundance of life, but God makes up for every deficiency from sin through His empowerment and qualifies us for life more abundantly. Willingly receive not only God's covering for your past, but His power for your future.


brandy said...

wow! that was great. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and talents with us. very encouraging!
love you,

Unknown said...

So in other words, grace for forgiveness of sins for your past life and complete victory over sin for the future, amen brother