Having said all of that, I want to just point out a few lessons that we all learn while we are saying goodbye, yet seem so prone to forget once the waving is all done. The first lesson is that relationships trump achievement in the long run. I know that achievement is important. Trust me, I am driven by achievement sometimes to a fault. But when you say goodbye, it is the people that come to the forefront of your mind. You realize that you wished you had spent a little more time with people than with stuff. Bill is a great example of a man that in my opinion knew how to get things done and at the same time love people. He is a great model for us all. So the first lesson is to value relationships. After all, they will be the one writing your legacy when you are gone!!
The second lesson in saying goodbye is that it is possible to stain everything you have achieved by saying goodbye the wrong way. Whenever I left my position in Gastonia, I determined that I would not be one of those staff people that ruin their achievements during their tenure by trashing the place on the way out. I don't mean physically trashing, but verbally trashing the place. My predecessors at Gastonia had a reputation on causing division as they left rather than trying to bring healing and unity. I determined that when I left no one would hear me saying anything negative about my pastor or my church. So I guess what I am trying to say is, keep your mouth shut on the way out. You can ruin all the good you did while you were there by not closing your mouth on the way out. I hear of people leaving the church and holding meetings with people to let them know of all the reasons they are offended and leaving. All that this does is ruin that members reputation on the way out and make it almost impossible for them to come back. Don't burn your bridges with your tongue on the way out!!
The last lesson I want to discuss is a simple one. When you leave, trust God to fill the hole that is there from your absence. Don't try to fill it yourself by your own ideas or schemes. I once had a wise woman tell me that when I left the church I was at, it would be like taking your hand out of a bucket of water. All of the people that I had displaced by my being there would flow into their position. God has a plan. If He has called you out, He will fill the gap. Trust Him and release it.
I know these are not all of the lessons we need to learn. But they are the ones on my mind today so I hope that they help you one day to say goodbye the right way.