Have you ever felt like your life was out of balance? I guess I should also ask if you have ever felt like your life was in balance. I don't know about you but there have been few times in my life when I felt like things were in perfect balance, and even then it only lasted a few moments until something unexpected came along and threw me off again. If you start to think about this balance thing, you can get kind of depressed because you start to feel like you are not achieving something that you ought to be achieving and that you need to work a little harder, which tends to throw you off whatever sense of balance you had achieved up to now.
I think that it is all about perspective. Have you ever ridden in a canoe? If so, you know that the slightest movement can make you feel like you are going to lose your balance and tip over. Have you ever ridden on a cruise ship? Did you ever feel like any sudden movements would have any impact at all on the ships ability to stay balanced? Probably not, because you could jump up and down, and nothing you did would ever budge that ship.
I have found that the times in my life when I feel the most unstable are the times when I have found myself viewing life from a canoe rather than a cruise ship. What I mean is that sometimes when our "base" is narrow and small we feel like the smallest changes can rock the boat. When we find ourselves disconnected from our family, friends, and most importantly our walk with the Lord, life can feel a lot like a canoe. But when our "base" is wide and large, things can happen all around us and we hardly feel the impact at all. When we feel that sense of connection with our family, friends, and our God, life feels more like the cruise ship.
So how can you get out of that canoe and onto the cruise ship? You can start by widening your base. Reconnect with your family. Don't wait for them to reconnect with you. Be proactive in your relationships. Reconnect with your friends. Most importantly, connect with your God. Your base can't get any wider than that. When you know you are in the palm of God's hand, the winds and waves of life don't seem to rock the boat as hard. Yes, there will still be winds and waves, the question is how will you choose to ride through the storms, in a canoe or a ship.
hey sweetie, deep stuff today. and it wasnt a bit inspired by my bread down about the house yesterday was it? I can always tell when my walk is not as close as it should be w/ the Lord, and boy can other people tell to right?
love you,
that should be breaK down, hehe, sorry
Steve (sweetie!),
so very good. keep letting God speak through you to people.
your friend,
I could write a book on balance, not because I am balanced of course, but because I am constantly seeking the balance.
When I hear a teaching, I weigh it against the word, and check it for balance. There are certain ways that preachers can present their current 'word' that just doesn't sit right with me. When I start analyzing it, and weighing it against Scripture, I often will see why it didn't sit right. It needs to be balanced by other Scriptures that almost appear to contradict it. Working through these appearant conflicts actually brings about a balance that makes it all work.
So I am totally with you, our lives need to be planted in the Word. Not parts of the Word. We also need to analyze ourselves for balance. The more balance that we can draw from the Word of God, the more balance that we can provide to our family members and those around us. Balance brings stability.
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