Do you know that somewhere in our physical development we switch from coming alive to dying. I don't really know when it happens, but I am sure it does. It seems like there comes a point when your body has developed everything it is going to develop and you start to deteriorate or wear down. So I imagine at my age, I have started that deterioration process. At least it feels that way. So I got to thinking, with all this dying in my physical body that is going on, what can I do to make sure my mental and spiritual body are renewed. Paul wrote that we can renew our minds daily. It seems like as long as I am in the renewing process of my mind, I will avoid its deterioration.
So how do you keep your mind and spirit alive when the rest of you is dying? The first thing I came up with is to be creative. Living is creating. Instead of just accepting things the way they are, think of new things. Take a new route to work. Figure out a new way to fix your favorite recipe. Write a song or a poem. Make a new friend. Participate in the one characteristic of life that is just like our Father, be creative.
The second thing that I thought of was to stop speaking death and start speaking life. Death talk is so depressing. Do you know what death talk is? Death talk is when you tear stuff down instead of building stuff up. Death talk is when you speak ill of people rather than speaking positive. Death talk is when you spend more time talking about the problem than you spend trying to solve it. So stop the death talk and start speaking life to those around you.
The last thing that I want to encourage you to do is to embrace Christ. Why? Because there are only really two things you can embrace, life or death. Christ equals life. Everything else has been set up by the enemy to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy you. So embrace Christ, His teachings, His love, His power. Then you will truly know what it means to live and not die.
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