Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prayer and Email

We can tell a lot about our priorities by our habits. One of the things that I find myself addicted to doing is checking my email. When I get up in the morning, I want to check it. When I get to the office, I check it. When I get home from work, I want to check it. I don’t know why. Most of the time its just someone peddling the latest pill or wanting me to verify my bank number so they can steal my money. But I have this feeling that I am going to miss out on something important or to not get a message from someone that needs to get ahold of me. 

I wish I had that same urgency about prayer. Don’t get me wrong. If you were to ask me what is more important prayer or email, I would definitely say prayer. But sometimes I get so caught up in the information of this physical world, that I lose my sense of urgency for information from the Spirit. I want to encourage you to join me in developing the “urgency” for our information from above. I don’t want to miss out on the vital information that the Spirit is wanting to give me to make this day a success.

Habit changer ideas:

  • Each time you go to check your email, stop in silence first and see if the Spirit has a message.
  • Each time you send an email, stop and say a prayer for someone on your list.
  • Each time you delete an email, let it remind you to ask God to purge the sins and weights that beset you.
  • Each time you save an email, ask God to remind you of His goodness and faithfulness.

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