Monday, March 10, 2008

Easter Trilogy Week One

Easter Trilogy part one is now behind us and we move on to part two. This past weekend was all about the life of Moses and the steps of obedience that led him to become known as a friend of God. 

Moses at one point in his life was not only completely unaware of God's plan, but completely unaware of the one true God, Jehovah. He had been raised in a polytheistic culture where basically anything could be symbolic of one of their gods. Yet even with that background, God got his attention, spoke to him, and changed his life. I don't know about you, but that gives me a lot of hope not only for my life, but for loved ones who I think are unreachable. The fact is that God wants to reach them even more than I want him to reach them. So we can pray with confidence for our loved ones, because God can put a burning bush in their path and speak to them a whole lot better than we can.
Say a prayer even now that God would put burning bushes in our loved ones lives and speak to them out of those experiences.

1 comment:

brandy said...

stephen, that is so precious that you wrote that b/c just last night i was asking someone to really pray for my family to be saved and this morning, i was so burdened praying for their salvation and just to be reminded that God cares for them and He did answer my prayer through what you wrote thank you so much for being obedient and open to being used by our Lord, I love you
your wife